Sunday, November 04, 2007


Halloween celebrations started last Sunday for Ethan. Friends of ours always have a Halloween party and this year was no different. As Flynn was only 4 days old we didn't all go for the whole party. john dropped Ethan off and then we all went to pick him up 15 minutes early so friends could meet Flynn. Ethan had lots of fun at the party and especially enjoyed apple bobbing and the pinata.

On Halloween night Ethan helped John carve the pumpkin which looked great. He also enjoyed giving sweets out to children that came to our door, some were friends from school. Later on me and Ethan went out with friends for a short while so Ethan could trick or treat. Of course he had lots of fun and got some treats - not too many, we came back before we got over run with chocolate and sweets.

Flynn also took part in his little first Halloween baby grow that me and Ethan had bought last month. I didn't want to get an outfit with all the frills etc on as he was only a week old but Ethan really wanted to get something and this was very cute :D

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